Saturday, May 14, 2011

10 years of tv

So, Smallville's done now.  I officially have one less thing to look forward to every week.  It wasn't a prefect show by any means, even for diehard Superman fans, but what it tried to do it did well, and while I'm sad to see it go, I'm also happy it lasted this long, and that it ended at an appropriate time, even in the canon of DC. The liberties it took with characters and events never really bothered me, as I kinda figured that they would be creating their own identity with the show from the first time i saw it, which is fine.  And even with all the changes, it still felt like it fit with the themes and concepts that good (and even bad) Superman (or superheroes in general) stories tend to have, almost need to have. The cast really pulled together for the finale, with the exception of Kreuk, who played Lana Lang, and I think that was more from there not really being any room for her to show up, even in a double-sized finale.  I'm happy that Rosenbaum came back, I missed him so much.  His Lex is very much how I imagined him being, even more so that Spacey's in Returns, which was great, but a bit more in line with Hackman's portrayal in the earlier movies. And Smallville's version of Lois Lane will always be, for me at least, the quintessential flesh-and-blood Lois.  Erica Durance brings her to life, almost ripped right out of the comics themselves.  Plus, she's easily the hottest female cast member the show's had, followed by Allison Mack's Chloe. (Sorry Kristen.)  Oddly, the one cast member who needed the most time to grow into their part was Tom Welling, playing Clark.  He had the look right (though I was hoping for blue eyes, but that's just the comics nerd in me) but, especially in the first couple seasons, seemed to struggle with the part a bit.  Granted, it's a complex part that comes with tons of pressure, but thankfully he made the part his own, and even directed several episodes, along with becoming an executive producer on the show, along with Hellcats, so it's nice to see that he hasn't let Smallville consume his life.  Also, I kinda want John Schneider to be my dad. As Johnathan Kent he made me feel more connected as a father, even before I became one.  At any rate, I'm hoping the new movie will sustain my love for this character, but filling the void left by a ten-year-running TV show is gonna be tough, but hopefully WB can figure something out, maybe a live-action straight-up non-romantic-comedy Superman show? Even a really good animated show would be nice, WB always does very well with that stuff. Make it happen!

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