Dead island is a thing, certainly worth playing, just don't go into it expecting more than it is. It's a solid, if flawed, Borderlands/Fallout 3 clone with zombies. I knew this months ago when the first real footage started coming out. Looking at the forums, I'm surprised that there are still people either surprised or pissed that it wasn't something else; something completely different from what EVERYTHING has been saying. If you want to spend $50-$60 dollars on something without knowing what exactly it is, then you need to do one of two things: get over it, or stop gaming altogether. This also applies to people complaining about Human Revolution, saying that it was "supposed" to be a "sci-fi" Call of Duty. (Protip: NO IT FUCKING WASN'T.) read up on your hobbies people, otherwise they don't mean anything to you and you should stop.
A couple weeks into school, getting back into the rhythm of things. As Most of my classes are things I care about (programming, networking, and discovering Linux) it hasn't been too bad, though my Anthropology class might make my brain commit brain-icide. I'm not sure if it's the professor (who's a nice guy but might be trying too hard) or the subject matter itself, but it's hard to keep my focus in class, especially since the subject (at least the way it's being presented) has a lot rooted in history and historical figures. History has never been my subject; I'm more for looking forward and inward rather than backwards. Does that make me a futurist? I dunno. Nor do I really care. It's a requirement though, so I'm going to attempt to slough through it.
One thing holding me back a bit is the lack of books. They've been ordered, and should be here tomorrow or early this week, so it's cutting it a little close for some of my assignment's due dates. I'm not hugely worried; I tend to work well under pressure, and most of my professors have either delayed or extended the due dates for most of the assignments, as it seems a lot of the required books went on back order. If I had an iPad it'd be easier, sadly, this is not the case. FOR NOW.